Essential Consultancy Services




Change Management: an introduction

A successful change initiative will often be as dependent on human factors as on management process or technology factors. 

These pages introduce the people, process, management and technology issues which need to be tackled to ensure that:

  • the right change is being tackled
  • the right people are being engaged at the right time
  • factors which may impact the ability to progress the change recognised and addressed
  • a process suitable to the organisation and its environment is defined, and in particular that it is adapted to deal with continuously evolving situations
  • suitable promotion and communications approaches are defined
  • measures are taken to consolidate a change once implemented

A separate consideration is made concerning IT strategy, and major technology based change, recognising the importance of controlled process in complex technology environments, whilst recognising the need to align that productively with the constantly moving targets of evolving business requirements.


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The content of these pages represents the personal views of the author and is provided for information only.  The content does not constitute advice.  The reader shall accept responsibility for all uses to which the information is put.

For help in facilitating change, or reviewing the effectiveness of a change initiative, please contact us: