Essential Consultancy Services




The Essential Consultancy approach to managing customer-supplier relationships

We have established supplier relationship management structures and processes used to manage contracts worth over £250 Million p.a., ranging from IT services to Business Process Outsourcing, and from product to service extremes.  We can help clients to implement supplier management arrangements appropriate to their risk exposure, whilst minimising operational costs


Essential has a toolkit which enables enabling consultants to rapidly implement new  management structures and processes:

  • An SRM design defining the approach and culture for different types and scales of relationship;
  • An  implementation method;
  • A set of analysis tools to support requirement analysis for the governance function;
  • An SLA requirement checklist, and
  • A template relationship handbook.  The handbook is used to document all roles, responsibilities, meetings, processes etc for the governance function.  The template is tailored for a specific relationship, and being already populated with generic processes, will be much cheaper and quicker to implement than starting anew.


The approach provides a comprehensive supplier management framework covering all the service management disciplines, with activity focused on the overall relationship objectives.

  • Designed for different scales of relationships:
    • Significant suppliers in a two-tier performance intensive approach;
    • Strategic suppliers in a three-tier relationship intensive approach, and
    • Complex multi-divisional supply relationships.
  • Provides for an evolving relationship which meets changing demand.
  • Assurance function allowing supplier potential to be realised.
  • Performance management approach which moves beyond reactive performance measurement to give pro-active performance assurance, in a client business context
  • Efficient approach enabling small management teams to manage large or critical relationships

All pages are copyright: © 2004, 2005 Essential Consultancy Services Limited

The content of these pages represents the personal views of the author and is provided for information only.  The content does not constitute advice.  The reader shall accept responsibility for all uses to which the information is put.

For help in developing and implementing, or reviewing the effectiveness of supplier management arrangements, please contact us: